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Bitec roof coatings transform dark-colored, energy-absorbing roofs into bright-colored roofs that reflect the sun’s rays, lowering energy costs and increasing the life cycle of the roof system. Our coatings are designed for asphalt roofs.

Coatings (English)

Impersol™ Premium Coatings

Impersol™ AC Premium los revestimientos para techos son las mejores soluciones de preservación de techos aplicadas con fluidos

Impersol Silicone Roof Coating

Impersol Silicone Roof Coating es un recubrimiento elastomérico de silicona de un solo componente, de alto contenido de sólidos y bajo contenido de compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), diseñado específicamente para usarse en aplicaciones de techado como recubrimiento protector sobre una variedad de sustratos para techos. Una vez curado, este recubrimiento de silicona líquida proporciona una membrana impermeable flexible, duradera y sin costuras que resiste el movimiento lateral, el cizallamiento y permitirá la expansión y contracción normales.

Impersol EB All-In-One Roof Coatings

Impersol EB All-In-One Roof Coatings is a rubber based top-coat providing excellent waterproofing and ultraviolet resistance. It is a one-component product with excellent adhesion to properly prepared surfaces. It contains a primer and a bleed blocker, allowing a one-coat application.

Imper-Sol EB EP Roof Coatings

Imper-Sol EB EP Roof Coatings are a rubber based top-coat providing excellent waterproofing and ultraviolet resistance. It is a one-component product with excellent adhesion to properly prepared surfaces. Thermally stable, it resists cracking and peeling caused by weather extremes.
51 Datasheet
56 Datesheet
BB Datesheet

Impersol AC Premium

Imperols AC Premium, a CRRC-rated white acrylic roof coating, can reduce roof temperatures by 50 to 80˚F. A fire retardant roof coating formulated from water-based, pure acrylic, self-curing latex polymers. Imper-Sol AC, an elastomeric coating, also contains unique bleed-blocking polymers that eliminate the need for a coating primer. It is designed for application by brush, roller, or spray. Once cured, it preserves roof surfaces and reduces under-roof temperatures to create a more pleasant interior work environment that is less costly to maintain.
Contractor Grade Datesheet

MAC™ Aluminum Roof Coatings

MAC™ aluminum roof coatings are UL® Listed, provide fire resistance, and high solar reflectivity. High-quality aluminum paste used in MAC™ coatings yield excellent pigment leafing resulting in a consistent field of application.


MAC-200 is an asphaltic-based aluminum roof coating that can reduce roof temperatures 15 degrees or more, helping to lower energy costs.


MAC-300 provides a reflective shield over new and old roofs, reducing roof degradation and increasing the useable life of the roof.

Bitec Coatings Accessories

The Imper-Sol product line includes a number of accessory products that complement and enhance our coating systems.


Impersol Cleaner/Degreaser is an alkaline, biodegradable, non-flammable cleaner and degreaser that uses alkaline builders, penetrants, emulsifiers and water conditioners to safely clean various roofing surfaces. Its unique penetrating qualities get under and lifts soil and stains. Powerful micro emulsifiers go to work in breaking down the contaminates into very fine particles which can be flushed away.

Joint Tape

Impersol Joint Tape series seam tape is ideally suited for use with Imper-Sol™ series of synthetic rubber coatings. They quickly wet-out and saturate the fiber structure of the fleece backing. These properties ensure a true monolithic membrane which remains intact even under thermal shock conditions. Reinforcement of seams, cracks and penetrations on various roofing surfaces.

Multi-System Bleed Blocker

Impersol Multi-System Bleed Blocker is a Multi-System primer developed to promote superior anchorage for roof coating topcoats over a variety of substrates. Impersol Multi-System Bleed Blocker provides a long-lasting breathable and flexible membrane to help block the asphaltic components that can discolor topcoats and has excellent resistance to heat, cold, moisture and provides a long-lasting breathable and flexible membrane to help block the asphaltic components that can discolor topcoats and has excellent resistance to heat, cold, moisture and, weathering.

Polyester Mesh

Impersol Polyester Mesh is a stitch bond material that is ideally suited for use with BITEC’s Impersol™ series of synthetic rubber coatings. Parallel fiber structure allows BITEC rubber coatings to quickly wet-out and totally saturate. This will ensure a true monolithic membrane that remains intact even under conditions of thermal shock and stress.
All values given are approximate and are subject to change without notice. There is no implied or express warranty given through these values, or statements, nor are there any assertions that the product purchased has been individually tested to conform to these standards. Testing is performed on a random basis, "in house" and at times with third party evaluation for the purpose of classification and or approval. Acceptance, purchase and selection of these products is the sole responsibility of the roofing contractor, architect, consultant, owner or buyer. We participate in UL and FMRC follow-up service in order to keep our classifications and approvals active.
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