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Product Line Adhesives, Primers & Repair Modified Asphalt Roof Coatings Roof Insulation Single Ply Viking Built Up Product APM-4.5T™ APM-4™T APS-4T™ Asphalt Primer 41™ Beta Base™ Defend™ DuraPlan™ Elasto GL – NB™ ElastoPav® Elastoplan® Elastotherm™ FS-2H™ GreenSlope™ IM-Prime™ Imperfast™ Imperflex® MAC-200™ MAC-300™ MAT-40™ Mineral Design™ PMA-186™ PMA-2000™ PS-2H™ SFM-3.5H-FR™ SFM-3.5H™ Single-Sided Bonding SPM-4.5T™ SPM-4H-250™ SPM-4H™ SPM-4T™ SPS-3H™ StrongHold™ Viking® Resource Type Brochure Details Guides SDS Specs TDS Technical Bulletins Warranties Language English Spanish StrongHold Pump Grade Adhesive: Eco-Friendly SolutionsImperflex® SA2 (2.0 Square SA Base Sheet)RepairBoss Emergency SealerRepairBoss® Roof Rescue Wet / DryRepairBoss™ Dome Drains and ScuppersRepairBoss™ All Roof Repair MasticStrongHold™ PVC-KEE Single-PlyTrafGuard™ Roof Walkway PadsWarranty Application InstructionsWarranty Application FormApproved Roofing Contractor Application FormApproved Coating Contractor Application FormWarranty Inspection FormTWENTY (20) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYWarranty Comparison ChartStorm Breaker™ Coating Warranty MatrixRoofing Warranty Coverage MatrixTEN (10) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR COATING SYSTEM NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR COATING SYSTEMNO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR COATING SYSTEM NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYGreenSlope™GreenSlope™Maintenance GuidelinesStorm Breaker™ HB Silicone Coatings Color ChartStorm Breaker™ Urethane Low VOC Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ 2-part Epoxy Primer B SDSStorm Breaker™ 2-part Epoxy Primer Part A SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Single Ply Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ Rust-Inhibitive Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ EPDM Bleed Block Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ SPF Primer SDSStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Contractor SDSStorm Breaker™ Acrylic Coating-Premium SDSStorm Breaker™ Acrylic Sealer SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Sealant SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Flashing Compound SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Surface Filler SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Skylight Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ HB Silicone Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Skylight Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Flashing CompoundStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Skylight CoatingStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Roof CoatingStorm Breaker Butyl Fleece TapeStorm Breaker FabricStorm Breaker Acrylic Sealer2-Part Epoxy PrimerSilicone Single-Ply PrimerRust-Inhibitive PrimerAsphalt Bleed Block PrimerEPDM Bleed Block PrimerSPF PrimerStorm Breaker Acrylic SealerStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Premium GradeStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Contractor GradeStorm Breaker Urethane CoatingStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Granules – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Coating – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Coating – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone SealantStorm Breaker Silicone Surface FillerStorm Breaker Silicone Skylight CoatingStorm Breaker HB Silicone Premium ColorsStorm Breaker HB SiliconeStormBreaker™Single Sided Bonding AdhesiveViking® TB Mastic SDSViking® AB Mastic SDSViking® Coal Tar Pitch SDSFS-2H™FS-2H-FR™GreenSlope® Ponding Water KitProducts and Application GuideMAT-40™ Material Only WarrantySingle-sided Bonding AdhesiveGreenSlope® Kit SDSSingle-Sided Bonding Adhesive™Viking® TOFViking® Roofing Asphalt Type IIIViking® Poly-ShieldViking® CTPViking® AOBViking® AB IIViking® 250 SPMCViking® TarRestoreViking® TB MasticViking® AB MasticStrongHold™ Low VOC Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE WB Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE Walkway RollStrongHold™ KEE FB WB Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE FB AdhesiveStrongHold™ Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ Single-Ply SealantStrongHold™ PVC Clad MetalStrongHold™ KEE Detail Flashing MembraneStrongHold™ Flashing Components Data SheetStrongHold™ KEE FBStrongHold™ KEEStrongHold™ PVC FBStrongHold™ PVCElastotherm™Elastoplan® PolyKlad™Imperfast™ Insulation FastenersElastoFuse KEE Spray AdhesiveElastoFuse PVC Spray AdhesiveDuraPlan™ Ecoset Green (Ultra Low VOC) SDSDuraPlan™ Polyset GreenElastoTherm™ Roof InsulationSPM-4T-2SPM-4T-1SPM-4TElasto GL – NB Data SheetSFM-4H-FR™BETA BASE™Imperfast™ BrochureCoating Products and ApplicationIM-PRIME™PMA-2000™ EspPMA-186™ EspMAC-300™ EspMAC-200™ EspIM-Prime™ EspElastopav® Liquid – Membranous Flashing Compound EspCompaflash (Spanish)Asphalt Primer 41 EspAsphalt Primer 41Mineral Design™ MDSISA-4T-2ISA-4T-1APS-4T-2SPM-4.5T-2SPM-4.5T-1SPM-4.5TSPM-4H-2SPM-4H-1SPM-4HSFM-3.5H-FRSPM-4T™SPS-3H-2SPS-3H-1SPM-4H-250-2SPM-4H-250-1SPS-3HSPM-4H-250SPM-3.5HSFM-3.5HAsphalt Primer 41™ElastoPav® Liquid-Membranous Flashing CompoundMineral Design WarrantyUL-Uplift ResistanceUL-Roofing SystemsFactory Mutual ApprovalsPMA-2000™ SDSPMA-186™ SDSMAC-300™ SDSMAC-200™ SDSIM-Prime™ SDSElastoPav® Sealant White SDSElastoPav® Sealant Gray SDSElastoPav® Flashing Compound White SDSImperflex® MSA SpecificationsImperflex® USA SpecificationsMineral Design™ MDA Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ MDA Non-Nailable SpecsSPM-3.5H-2SPM-3.5H-1SFM-3.5H-FR Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H-FR Non-Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H Non-Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ Non-Nailable SpecsAPS-4T Non-Nailable SpecsAPM-4T Nailable SpecsAPM-4T Non-Nailable SpecsAPM-4.5T Nailable SpecsAPM-4.5T Non-Nailable SpecsMAT-40™Defend™Imperflex® MSA DetailsImperflex® USA DetailsPS-2HFS-2HFA-2TMineral Design™ MDA DetailsISA-4T DetailsAPM-4T DetailsAPM-4.5T DetailsAPS-4T DetailsMAT-40™ Data SheetDefend™ Data SheetImperflex® MSAImperflex® USAMineral Design™ MDSSPS-3H™SPM-4.5T™SPM-4H-250™SPM-4H™SPM-3.5H™SFM-3.5H-FR™SFM-3.5H™MAC-300™MAC-200™Beta Base™PS-2H™FA-2T™Mineral Design™ MDAAPM-4T™APM-4.5T™APS-4T Data SheetCompaflash™PMA-186™PMA-2000™IM-Prime™1019-1 “Roof Maintenance Recommendations”1018 “Extended Warranty Requirements”1017 “Recover Boards and Approved Roof Insulations”1016 “Roof Insulation Fastening/Attachment”1015-2 “UL Classification Listings”1014 “Pitch Pans”1013 “Moisture Vents – Recover Situations”1011 “Installation of Modified Bitumen Membranes Using Cold Adhesive”1010-1 “Wood Decks / Wind Uplift Resistance”1009-1 “Vented Base Sheets”1005 “Plastic Cement Incompatibility with BITEC Modified Bitumen Membranes”1002 “Cold Weather Applications”1001 “Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation”Specifications GuideProduct Application GuideMineral Design™ Color SelectorBrochure About Mineral DesignGranule Color SelectorMineral Design™ BrochureMAT-40™ BrochureImperflex® BrochureProduct BrochureElastoPav® Flashing Compound Gray SDSElastopav® All Purpose Roofing SealantTo begin, utilize the search bar or the filtering dropdowns to propagate resourcesStrongHold Pump Grade Adhesive: Eco-Friendly SolutionsImperflex® SA2 (2.0 Square SA Base Sheet)RepairBoss Emergency SealerRepairBoss® Roof Rescue Wet / DryRepairBoss™ Dome Drains and ScuppersRepairBoss™ All Roof Repair MasticStrongHold™ PVC-KEE Single-PlyTrafGuard™ Roof Walkway PadsWarranty Application InstructionsWarranty Application FormApproved Roofing Contractor Application FormApproved Coating Contractor Application FormWarranty Inspection FormTWENTY (20) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR ROOFING MEMBRANE NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL)WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR ROOFING MATERIALS WARRANTYWarranty Comparison ChartStorm Breaker™ Coating Warranty MatrixRoofing Warranty Coverage MatrixTEN (10) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYTEN (10) YEAR COATING SYSTEM NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYFIFTEEN (15) YEAR COATING SYSTEMNO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR COATING MATERIALS WARRANTYTWENTY (20) YEAR COATING SYSTEM NO DOLLAR LIMIT (NDL) WARRANTYGreenSlope™GreenSlope™Maintenance GuidelinesStorm Breaker™ HB Silicone Coatings Color ChartStorm Breaker™ Urethane Low VOC Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ 2-part Epoxy Primer B SDSStorm Breaker™ 2-part Epoxy Primer Part A SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Single Ply Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ Rust-Inhibitive Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ EPDM Bleed Block Primer SDSStorm Breaker™ SPF Primer SDSStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Contractor SDSStorm Breaker™ Acrylic Coating-Premium SDSStorm Breaker™ Acrylic Sealer SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Sealant SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Flashing Compound SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Surface Filler SDSStorm Breaker™ Silicone Skylight Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ HB Silicone Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Skylight Coating SDSStorm Breaker™ SEBS Rubberized Roof Coating SDSStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Flashing CompoundStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Skylight CoatingStorm Breaker SEBS Rubberized Roof CoatingStorm Breaker Butyl Fleece TapeStorm Breaker FabricStorm Breaker Acrylic Sealer2-Part Epoxy PrimerSilicone Single-Ply PrimerRust-Inhibitive PrimerAsphalt Bleed Block PrimerEPDM Bleed Block PrimerSPF PrimerStorm Breaker Acrylic SealerStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Premium GradeStorm Breaker Acrylic Coating – Contractor GradeStorm Breaker Urethane CoatingStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Granules – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Coating – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone Walkway Coating – YellowStorm Breaker Silicone SealantStorm Breaker Silicone Surface FillerStorm Breaker Silicone Skylight CoatingStorm Breaker HB Silicone Premium ColorsStorm Breaker HB SiliconeStormBreaker™Single Sided Bonding AdhesiveViking® TB Mastic SDSViking® AB Mastic SDSViking® Coal Tar Pitch SDSFS-2H™FS-2H-FR™GreenSlope® Ponding Water KitProducts and Application GuideMAT-40™ Material Only WarrantySingle-sided Bonding AdhesiveGreenSlope® Kit SDSSingle-Sided Bonding Adhesive™Viking® TOFViking® Roofing Asphalt Type IIIViking® Poly-ShieldViking® CTPViking® AOBViking® AB IIViking® 250 SPMCViking® TarRestoreViking® TB MasticViking® AB MasticStrongHold™ Low VOC Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE WB Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE Walkway RollStrongHold™ KEE FB WB Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ KEE FB AdhesiveStrongHold™ Bonding AdhesiveStrongHold™ Single-Ply SealantStrongHold™ PVC Clad MetalStrongHold™ KEE Detail Flashing MembraneStrongHold™ Flashing Components Data SheetStrongHold™ KEE FBStrongHold™ KEEStrongHold™ PVC FBStrongHold™ PVCElastotherm™Elastoplan® PolyKlad™Imperfast™ Insulation FastenersElastoFuse KEE Spray AdhesiveElastoFuse PVC Spray AdhesiveDuraPlan™ Ecoset Green (Ultra Low VOC) SDSDuraPlan™ Polyset GreenElastoTherm™ Roof InsulationSPM-4T-2SPM-4T-1SPM-4TElasto GL – NB Data SheetSFM-4H-FR™BETA BASE™Imperfast™ BrochureCoating Products and ApplicationIM-PRIME™PMA-2000™ EspPMA-186™ EspMAC-300™ EspMAC-200™ EspIM-Prime™ EspElastopav® Liquid – Membranous Flashing Compound EspCompaflash (Spanish)Asphalt Primer 41 EspAsphalt Primer 41Mineral Design™ MDSISA-4T-2ISA-4T-1APS-4T-2SPM-4.5T-2SPM-4.5T-1SPM-4.5TSPM-4H-2SPM-4H-1SPM-4HSFM-3.5H-FRSPM-4T™SPS-3H-2SPS-3H-1SPM-4H-250-2SPM-4H-250-1SPS-3HSPM-4H-250SPM-3.5HSFM-3.5HAsphalt Primer 41™ElastoPav® Liquid-Membranous Flashing CompoundMineral Design WarrantyUL-Uplift ResistanceUL-Roofing SystemsFactory Mutual ApprovalsPMA-2000™ SDSPMA-186™ SDSMAC-300™ SDSMAC-200™ SDSIM-Prime™ SDSElastoPav® Sealant White SDSElastoPav® Sealant Gray SDSElastoPav® Flashing Compound White SDSImperflex® MSA SpecificationsImperflex® USA SpecificationsMineral Design™ MDA Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ MDA Non-Nailable SpecsSPM-3.5H-2SPM-3.5H-1SFM-3.5H-FR Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H-FR Non-Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H Nailable SpecsSFM-3.5H Non-Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ Nailable SpecsMineral Design™ Non-Nailable SpecsAPS-4T Non-Nailable SpecsAPM-4T Nailable SpecsAPM-4T Non-Nailable SpecsAPM-4.5T Nailable SpecsAPM-4.5T Non-Nailable SpecsMAT-40™Defend™Imperflex® MSA DetailsImperflex® USA DetailsPS-2HFS-2HFA-2TMineral Design™ MDA DetailsISA-4T DetailsAPM-4T DetailsAPM-4.5T DetailsAPS-4T DetailsMAT-40™ Data SheetDefend™ Data SheetImperflex® MSAImperflex® USAMineral Design™ MDSSPS-3H™SPM-4.5T™SPM-4H-250™SPM-4H™SPM-3.5H™SFM-3.5H-FR™SFM-3.5H™MAC-300™MAC-200™Beta Base™PS-2H™FA-2T™Mineral Design™ MDAAPM-4T™APM-4.5T™APS-4T Data SheetCompaflash™PMA-186™PMA-2000™IM-Prime™1019-1 “Roof Maintenance Recommendations”1018 “Extended Warranty Requirements”1017 “Recover Boards and Approved Roof Insulations”1016 “Roof Insulation Fastening/Attachment”1015-2 “UL Classification Listings”1014 “Pitch Pans”1013 “Moisture Vents – Recover Situations”1011 “Installation of Modified Bitumen Membranes Using Cold Adhesive”1010-1 “Wood Decks / Wind Uplift Resistance”1009-1 “Vented Base Sheets”1005 “Plastic Cement Incompatibility with BITEC Modified Bitumen Membranes”1002 “Cold Weather Applications”1001 “Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation”Specifications GuideProduct Application GuideMineral Design™ Color SelectorBrochure About Mineral DesignGranule Color SelectorMineral Design™ BrochureMAT-40™ BrochureImperflex® BrochureProduct BrochureElastoPav® Flashing Compound Gray SDSElastopav® All Purpose Roofing Sealant