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Viking® Built Up Roofing Products

Viking® Built Up Roofing

Proven to be the top runner in life expectancy in all of flat roofing

Viking® Coal Tar Pitch Roofing

Bitec’s Viking® Coal Tar Pitch has stood the test of time and continues to prove itself as the ultimate option for flat roofing. We offer a full line of products, including adhesives, mastics, and reinforcement, to make a complete Viking® Coal Tar Pitch Built Up Roofing system.

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Viking® AOB
Data Sheet
Viking® CTP
Data Sheet
Viking® Polyshield
Data Sheet
Viking® TarRestore
Data Sheet
Viking® TB Flashing Mastic
Data Sheet

Viking® Asphalt Roofing

Bitec’s Viking® Asphalt Roofing products promise to provide the unbelievable quality you know from Bitec in a field manufactured solution for your roof. Our Viking line of asphalt BUR products can be fully complemented by our Bitec cap sheets, base sheets, and adhesives.

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Viking® 250 SPMC
Data Sheet
Viking® AB Mastic
Data Sheet
Viking® AB II
Data Sheet
Viking® AOB
Data Sheet
Viking® Roofing Asphalt Type III
Data Sheet
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